Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jimmy Sillas, the building of the gate, the second day, June 1, 2011

060111 standby help 6-1-2011 5-18-02 PM 2077x939

Setting the scene: with my friend Jimmy Sillas’ craftworthiness (sp?) and leadership and my ability to perform minor assistance, Jimmy has produced the first of two gates on May 31, 2011. Here one of our sons stands ready to cover our backs. Several years ago he built us a storage shed in the back yard and is still resting.

o(*J*)o  Just teasing, “D.”

jimi final edit 6-1-2011 5-10-13 PM 320x402

Our grandson Jimi, the son of the man who has our backs above.

second gate 060111_jimmy cutting wood with cinder block in place 6-1-2011 9-59-07 AM 605x403

060111 jimi with pencil and door_edit red 80 6-1-2011 9-57-29 AM 605x403




060111 jimi with saw working on gate 6-1-2011 9-59-37 AM 605x403

jimmy kneeling next to door edit to 20 6-1-2011 11-56-22 AM 605x403

second gate_060111_more pencilling_more fitting 6-1-2011 9-57-47 AM 605x403




060111 back gate 6-1-2011 10-16-37 AM 407x395

jimmy and damu 6-1-2011 10-23-47 AM 865x474

jimi behind second gate 20 red edit 6-1-2011 12-39-40 PM 417x402

Gate two constructed in as many days.

Thanks again, Jimi. The gates look great.

End note to this post: I take lots of pictures that I end up not being in and write quite a few blog posts that I am nowhere to be found either. So please indulge me as I post this picture of our most senior son Jeff and and I taken taken on August 8, 2006 (maybe  Smile) back when my “looks” were not being challenged so often.

Jeff and Dad-1

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