Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Top 10 Things You Never Want to Hear at Work

Whoever came up with the expression, "It's better to give than to receive," must have been talking about bad news.
Of course it's awful to deliver bad news, no doubt about it. But having been on both sides of the equation more times than I care to think about, I'd have to say that, given the choice, I'd rather not be on the receiving end.
Unfortunately, there is an awful lot of bad news being delivered these days. And I hate to say this, but so sooner or later, you're probably going to end up on the wrong end of it. When that happens, you're going to wish you had some warning because, well, you know what they say, forewarned is forearmed.

Read On

Personally, here are some things I dreaded hearing:
by Bob Hoff
(1) Bob, have you ever had any basic computer training?
(2) Please go into my office and shut the door.
(3) Do you listen to what I say?
(4) Are you still fighting with Mabel?
(5) Your heart isn't really in this line of work is it?
(6) Are you happy or satified or at ease in your job?
(7) Have we ever given you any training for this job?
(8) Do you know the purpose of your job?
(9) You do know that I am your supervisor, correct?
(10) Would you be interested in a lateral transfer to another
(11) Why don't you bring your resume up to date by

1 comment:

  1. Got here via Shail's Nest. A funny list here! So true, not what you want to hear at work.Glad I stopped in.
